Beach Party

Friday, May 9, 2003

Beach party at Seabright Beach instigated by dvb

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{A student video [...]}


cmraman behind fire
cmraman behind fire

spcecdt, Linda, nozefngr
spcecdt, Linda, nozefngr

cmraman cooking hotdog
cmraman cooking hotdog

Deb, nozefnger, hotdogs
Deb, nozefnger, hotdogs

cmraman, Sadie, Laura, Deb
cmraman, Sadie, Laura, Deb

nozefnger, Laura, Sadie, Deb
nozefnger, Laura, Sadie, Deb

cmraman, packed to go
cmraman, packed to go

Laura, Sadie
Laura, Sadie

dvb paper purge
dvb paper purge

nozefngr, Deb, dvb
nozefngr, Deb, dvb

{nozefnger, [...]}

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All images copyright © 2003 John H. DuBois III
This gallery created on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 • 13 of 13 images displayed