17 April 2005

C. and I went on vacation with a bunch of other Bay Area geeks we know. The vacation appears to have been to New York City, but foreign currency was in use, specifically the British Pound. We went, with lo and carol, to a sort of import food market where we bought all sorts of ingredients to make some kind of magic chocolate. We took the magic chocolate to the back of the store and they returned to us a half-gallon plastic tub of the chocolate cast into small bean-sized pellets, each of which was "one use" (whatever the use was). Also they returned a bunch of change to us (it was 24 pounds). LM held onto the change, saying we'd use it to buy a bunch of candy and then divide the remainder among us. I wasn't actually going to eat much candy so I just wanted my quarter of the money back up front, but LM kept dodging the issue of the money, bringing up the next thing we were going to do.

Then I went to the USS Intrepid Museum with some others, including nightfall and weevil. The aircraft carrier had been redesigned so as to tip in the water, stern down to the street, bow up in the air, and visitors boarded via a roller-coaster like track-train. But mostly, all the museum staff wanted to do was get visitors into the restaurant and bar.

Also, when we got back from the vacation, my office was in the process of being moved at work. Nobody had told me. Everything was a mess. But the new office was really big.