23 September 2004

Once again I was back in school. School, in this case, was a vast underground complex, heavily surveilled and policed.

I had taken way too heavy a load-- I had classes from 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM with no more than a half hour break between them at any point, every weekday, and I think maybe some weekend classes as well. And having chosen these classes, I was expected (by which I mean, there was surveillance and police to "insure" it) to attend them.

So I needed a day to rest at one point and I concocted a plan with one of my cow-orkers, Chris, who was either another student or maybe a sympathetic law-enforcer, to trigger a false alarm that would draw off the attention of the cameras and cops so I could slip away somewhere unobserved and get some rest. The plan pretty much worked without a hitch and I hid in some sort of storeroom that had a convenient cot set up in it; I suspect I was not the first person who had needed to do this.

Then I had to go take a history final. Unfortunately, I had put so much extra effort in my work on the first part of the semester, the ancient world stuff, that I'd still been working on follow-ups to those projects all the way to the end of the semester and hadn't spent as much time studying the more recent history stuff. There was stuff about piracy in whitewater rivers that I knew nothing about. I aced the bits about early naval fleet formations, though. Hm, actually there was a lot about ships now that I think about it.

I was slowly inching my way through the test while everyone else was finishing up and leaving, and I still had to finish labeling the hundreds of pictures I'd taken for an extra-credit project regarding Greek architecture and and and... Finally the teacher came over when I was the last one writing and I realized I had to turn the test in even though there were like a quarter of the questions that I still hadn't answered, and I wanted to cry.