14 September 2004

Before I could go to a local gaming convention for the weekend, I had to pick up the twins at the airport. However, "the twins" kept shifting back and forth between three contexts. Sometimes they were C's younger sisters, who were coming to town to hang out with her while I was gone to the convention, and I was sort of irked that C wasn't just picking them up herself. Was it that she was still at work or something? I don't think that was it... Then sometimes they were Jenna and Barb Bush and I was some sort of aide to the Bush campaign and it pissed me off because I'd somehow been roped into this job despite the fact that I'm not a Republican and I despise the Bush administration. Why the fuck am I helping these people? And then sometimes it was the Olsen twins, Mary Kate and Ashley, and I was apparently one of their personal assistants or something and again, it made me mad because I think I'd taken the job to get into showbusiness but all I ever did was run errands and cart these two girls around to relatively random places as their whims changed.

So pretty much, no matter how you slice it, I was picking up "the twins" and being grumpy about it. Then I finally dropped them off somewhere and was able to go to the convention but the twin errand had taken too long and the hotel was already out of available rooms. So I was forced to look around for nearby places with vacancies, and considered sleeping under the tables in the flea market area when it wasn't running...