20 April 2004

I was a prisoner of war in a German camp in WWII that was just outside of Salzburg-- we could see the town through the fence. I wasn't an adult, though, I was a teenager and most of the other prisoners were also teens. The camp was a lot more like Hogan's Heroes and a lot less like Schindler's List, though. For one thing, I was part of a group of prisoners who had managed to pretty much operate a spy-ring from within the camp. One of the things we were somehow managing to do was operate remote-controlled surveillance drones out of the camp without ever being caught red-handed.

We had two drones-- one was like a big butterfly, with beautiful folding wings that had streamers that would stretch out behind it when it accelerated up and away. I kept the wings in a hidden space alongside my little barrack-hut, and would sneak them to and from our launcher. The second drone was basically a CIA Predator and it was beautiful up close. It had a snap-in mission bay where a variety of different modules could be placed in its belly, from cameras to rockets or bombs to food supplies. We'd send it up with a camera module, it would take a lot of photos before landing somewhere outside enemy territory, and our contacts would load it with food and send it back to us.

The Germans suspected we were behind it but somehow never managed to catch us. The biggest threat was being ratted out by others within the camp who thought they could earn themselves favors from the guards by selling out our work. At one point, I'd just come back from delivering the folding-wings to the drone launch site and there was a gang of other teens waiting at the spot where the wings were normally hidden. They trapped me in a space between the hut and the fence and attacked me from both sides, and from the roof of the hut.

There was some junk there, though, and I used it to defend myself. There was a fairly long and seriously intense brawl, me against about eight guys. I had a milk crate in my left hand as a sort of shield, to ward off incoming rocks and keep attackers at a little bit of range, while my right had a trusty piece of steel pipe, which I used to hit them seriously hard. They had to mostly fall back to throwing rocks, and once I'd taken two or three of them completely down with the pipe they ran and got the guards.

They told the guards I was hiding spyplace parts under the hut. The guard came and I dropped my stuff and waited patiently with my hands up while they searched in and around my hut. Finding nothing, they told my attackers to stop wasting their time, and gave a couple of them a taste of a gun-butt just to make the point, and kicked a couple of the wounded guys on the ground with their boots. I breathed a sigh of relief that the drones were currently being used and the wings hadn't been there...

But somehow, after a bit of time passed, the Germans decided to liquidate us anyway. I think it was nearing the end of the war and they wanted to free up their manpower to fight at the front instead of guarding prisoners. We had a bunch of little kids, including one who was psychic. The psychic kid was telepathic and we'd been using him to communicate with the outside world, to coordinate drone schedules and pass intelligence messages and the like. He needed to be protected at all costs. The other kids, too-- I was assigned to a small group whose job was to protect the kids. I think in part the plan was that the Germans knew we had a telepathic kid but they didn't know which one, so we bunched them all together and protected them all, as a sort of camouflage.

We were all holed up inside one of the barrack buildings and the fighting had already begun elsewhere in the camp. We'd smuggled a fair amount of small arms weaponry into the camp, so we had Tommy guns and a few grenades, but most of our heavy weaponry turned out to be non-functional for some reason. I could hear the Germans outside on the porch, assembling big machine guns. They were going to perforate the building with heavy gunfire first before storming in through the door to mop up. They started firing and we were all trying to take cover from the bullets as they flew everywhere around the interior.

But then suddenly it got really bright and warm and I realized one of the kids-- not our telepath, but another one-- was beginning to glow and fire was running all over his skin. He was a pyrokinetic, apparently. Then it got all Akira-like quite suddenly, as he effortlessly burned the walls of the barracks to the ground in a flash, so we and the Germans were looking right at each other. And seconds later, the Germans were all burned to ash as well, except for the camp commander. As I looked around, I watched the shockwave of the kid's pyro power radiating out from us in all directions, across the whole camp. Within seconds, all the buildings and all the guards were gone, leaving only us prisoners and the kommandant.

The kommandant quickly threw himself on the kid's mercy. "Spare my life, and spare the town. This is where I was born... this is where my family is!" But our pyro-kid just sort of shook his head after a moment of thought, and seconds later, the kommandant was gone and, as I watched, the entire town of Salzburg burst into flames.