25 Nov 2003

I had two dreams in a row about leg paralysis, my feet becoming too heavy to lift. One occured while I was in a cafeteria, taking a tray of food to the register to pay. The other occured in a strange subway, where the train sat below platform level and you entered the cars through their roofs, going down a steep spiral staircase into it. I was trying to climb up and out as the paralysis set in... and the car started moving forward as I was half out. I had to grab the platform itself and let it pull me free of the train car as the train sped away.

I genuinely thought, at that moment, that I was having a stroke.

Then I dreamt that spammers had begun beaming holographic pop-up windows directly into my bedroom, which was back in my old house in Merced. I kept dismissing the windows but of course that just makes more appear under it. I thought they were actually outside, beaming the spam from the street, but everyone started to get them-- they were beaming holographic spam California-wide from a station on Mt. Tamalpais, and the law protected them from being vandalized.