13 March 2003

I was watching MST3K; they were doing a movie that was apparently a sequel to Forbidden Planet. But of course, in short order I was in the movie, part of the action. I worked for the World Government and I was in charge of the project to attempt to locate and contact alien life. We had made giant greeting signs all over the Earth's surface, cut into the landscape, enormous messages, in all the different languages of humankind. There was even a towel (yes, a towel) we had made, that when you smelled it, it telepathically put the greeting message into your mind.

I got a call from the World Leader. She wants me to do some stuff differently than we have been. I suddenly realize there's a conspiracy to keep me from succeeding in my job-- the World Leader and her cabal have already been in touch with the aliens and I'm supposed to be a smokescreen, a decoy effort, not actually successful.

Having figured this out, I am now in trouble with the World Leader Cabal and they come after me. The dream shifts into, basically, "X-Files" meets "24"-- the aliens are coming, I am the only one who can warn the world, etc. It was 24 right down to my having a dumb daughter whose antics always complicated the plotline. At one point she runs away and I have to chase her; I'm in a car ploughing through a cornfield, totally unable to see ahead of me, and I ran right into her. I hop out and examine her limp form, worried she's dead... but she's just fallen asleep.

Also, there was a part where I was in a big gymnasium talking to Jackie Chan and some friend of his. I didn't have the heart to tell him I haven't seen, like, his last three films.