28 December 2002

I went back to junior college. C had gone a semester ahead of me. It was in Japan. I checked prices. The previous semester, C had only needed to pay 853 for the semester, but I was going to have to pay 2653. At first I thought it was yen, so that didn't seem so bad, but they told me that was in dollars. Outrageous!

Then a friend from junior high, Jason W., was in trouble. He was down by the docks. There was a cop prowling nearby, looking for any excuse to beat him with a tonfa. I had a short staff to fend him off if I needed to, though I knew he'd probably win. A crowd started throwing vegetables-- mostly at the cop but it was pelting all of us-- and I yelled for Jason to run. He started running and I held off the cop as long as I could with the staff. Jason grabbed a bike and began peddling down the pier as fast as he could-- right off the end, down onto a tanker boat that was passing by.

There was something about an alien invasion as well, a slow and subtle one. They were silently replacing the money system and our measures of time with alternate versions, and only I had noticed. I wasn't all that sure of it myself, to be honest.

Finally, back to school angst again as I found that I couldn't remember what classes I had after lunch, or where they were. Common angst dream for me. I hate them. I had some sort of glassblowing class and there was a glass lab at the school but it wasn't the right teacher or something... Finally, I was embarrassed to realize I had gone to the wrong school. I was at the high school, not the junior college. No wonder I couldn't find anything.