26 November 2002

Alton Brown, of Good Eats, was starring in a detective drama show. In this episode, an abusive rich asshole redneck had made his son disappear for scoring too well on a placement test in school. "Think yer better than yer old man?" Somehow, Alton had known about this kid and had been circumventing the system somehow, keeping the kid's high scores secret, but a "helpful" school official noticed and notified the dad.

At the end there was a confrontation, near one of those portable swimming pool type things. Alton and the dad both have guns out, pointed at each other. Alton can't shoot first; he's the Good Guy. But suddenly his brother (not a detective or cop or anything; played by John Goodman) pops up out of the pool and disarms the Evil Dad.

They find the kid weighed down at the bottom of the pool and bring him up for air Just In Time.