12 November 2002

There were zombies. Except that the zombies were the people who were still alive and everyone else, most of the people in the world, were NOT zombies because they WERE dead. See? I mean, it made sense in the dream, okay? The zombies were still-living people and they shambled around and they were always hungry. Slow and somehow always much BIGGER than everyone else, like their being alive made them grow twice as large. Big hulking slow warm beast people, not smart, just hungry, ambulating around very slowly but with great determination and although we were faster we had to all keep moving all the time. If you ever stopped and stood still or sat down for any length of time, a zombie would surely catch you. So all us cold dead people had to scrabble around all the time, always moving, there was always a big slow stupid warm zombie person nearby, you could never really get away from all of them long enough to rest.