10 June 2002

Freefall skydiving in a metal frame 4x4, with seats in each square. No individual parachutes, the whole frame has the chutes. Several people coming down with it as guides, one standing on top of it as it falls.

Mike T. and I talk hiking. Stumbled across a secret website with sort of gnostic encoded info about secret hikes to take. Met the guy who runs it. Hiking somewhere like Hawaii, an island of some sort. Secret hike on the far side, a cut canyon lined with graves and mausoleums leading out of the backyard of a huge scary old house with a history so horrifying that nobody is willing to tear the place down or write down what happened there. The canyon path goes straight up and over the center of the island. Some of the mausoleums, if you step into them they'll close behind you-- gates of wicker and wood which lock shut, so bring a hatchet to cut your way back out. Eventually, crossing all the way over, I come to a little viewing cleft that looks down into the "civilized" half of the island. Very tempted to buy property there. Mike and Angela went some other directions, dunno how their secret hikes went.