23 April 2001

Odd fitful dreams while drunk on whiskey and wired from coffee, in my hotel room at Wondercon. I dreamt that my friend Carmel replaced her Honda (which had gotten totaled in a highway accident) with a used convertible Corvette, and posted about it, and the message boards exploded with scores of posts from friends which started along the lines of "Are you sure that really seems like a safer car for you...?" and eventually progressed into "What are you, NUTS?" She was really grumpy that everyone was giving her so much shit about her car.

Somehow that segued into my job as a technical consultant to an indie film-maker based loosely on Kevin Smith (well, not THAT loosely, I guess, as his name was, in fact, Kevin, though he bore no physical resemblance). Kevin was making a sci-fi thriller on a shoestring budget, about a group of people on the run from a big scary corporate/government conspiracy. The basic plot structure was actually very cool, cool enough that I am going to probably use it in a project someday, which is good, because Kevin was totally squandering it in his film. At some point he got the idea that what was needed was some "erotic tension" which, it turns out, pretty much meant that he wanted an excuse to film his young hot-looking cast members naked. When the plot started getting significantly re-written such that there was much less science-fiction and much more tangential nudity (at one point, the protagonists seek to hide from the bad guys in.... a nudist colony! um. okay...) I began to suspect that my consulting contract was becoming superfluous. And when Kevin decided to write himself in as a character who ends up having sex with virtually every female character, I decided it was time for a different project.

So I returned, then, to logging in after a long time away, and the arguments about Carmel's car had pretty much joined vi/emacs and the cider wars in its long-running no-good-reason flame-festivity. I don't remember how it resolved, except that I think there was (coincidentally) a new children's show on cable called "Carmel's Corvette", and people wanted to know why Carmel wasn't actually like the Carmel on tv. Which, of course, made her grumpy.