12 December 1999

All I remember is that J, me, one or two other people, and the Flash (Wally West, not Barry Allen) were on top of a building, maybe 12 stories tall, and we were being chased by really dangerous people... so we had to jump off the building. SOP in this case, of course, is for the Flash to run down the side of the building, run around in a cyclone at the bottom, and create an air cushioning effect. But Wally had lost his super-speed powers temporarily for some reason.

I was apparently in the CIA, and the agency handbook on this subject (what to do when you're trapped on a roof) said that they put a huge mountain of ice cream in 1-gallon containers on the ground and you jump down into it. But it was early May-- too warm to set up the ice cream way in advance and leave it there, but not warm enough yet for the undercover CIA ice cream trucks to be prowling around to provide ice cream safety piles on demand.

J said, "Guess the CIA's gonna have to start delivering early this year" and I started chuckling. Apparently, I chuckled out loud, because J rolled over and said, "Did you say something?" and that mostly woke me up.