12 August 1997

On an archaeological dig in Afghanistan. We had found a bunch of really early artifacts, demonstrating that a sophisticated civilization (with pottery, agriculture, domesticated animals, masonry, etc.) existed in the Mesopotamian area at least a thousand years before anyone had ever suspected. But then a bunch of Afghan women tore into the site and destroyed it; apparently something to do with a ritual for putting ancient ghosts to rest.

While we were at the site, I was researching some digs in Scotland that purported to have found actual physical evidence of Nessie. They had diagrams of fossil remains and recent bone discoveries, but there were other journal articles showing that the original digs were based on faulty logic, that the remains they found were from common animals, and that some of the data was fabricated outright. There were lovely illustrations and everything.

For some reason-- either as part of the Afghanistan work or the Nessie research-- I needed a book by a guy named Mätteus, but I couldn't get the people at the library to get his name right now matter how many times I pronounced it and spelt it, so I don't think I was ever going to get the book located.