4 Sept 1993

Going down to the SD Comicon with Jeff (pweent) and Matt (squid), just like I did a few weeks ago, but the military is going to have some major-ass wargames going on down around Ventura and they're "strongly discouraging civilian traffic" in Southern Calif. And everyone's evacuating because they don't want to become targets. But, hell, it's an annual event and we go for it. And we're going down some little narrow road down around SLO when all hell breaks loose around us-- all these jets and tanks and stuff, NONE of it looks human-- it's all classified weird hi-tech stuff. And they're actually shooting and destroying and killing each other. So we get the hell out and find a place to login ASAP. I decide to cross-post this huge rant across every newsgroup on the planet telling everyone what we saw, and I was going to do it under a forged username, but then I remembered that nobody reads huge crossposts-- they just killfile them-- and besides, the MIBs would find us even if I forged the address. So I woke up.