2 October 1991

There was some kind of nuclear holocaust. We had just a few minutes to gather basic survival things and take cover in a wilderness area. Then the night was lit up brighter than day as the noise rose....

The white noise fades to a year later. I've been out wandering the remains of America and have just returned to the wilderness enclave that I helped establish immediately after the bomb. We've gained a number of extra people while I was gone, I see.

Everyone is happy to see me, and wants news of the outside world. Somehow, I'd had to skirt past these high-tech government police-state fascist guards on the edge of the wilderness; much of the rest of the country is under their thumb.

After dinner, I decided to go to bed. Anne (girl I knew from UCSC) says she'll join me. There was some snickering around the campfire, and some sort of odd tension, which I was not able to identify or do anything about, because at that moment, the fascists raided our camp....