March 1990

I was at a horse camp. There was a race; everyone needed mounts.

I and one of the other guys from the Kung Fu/Wushu/Tai Chi class I was taking at the time decided we could do it better than the others, even though they had a headstart. We got a packdog and some gear, and then we chose our horses-- which were actually all beautiful supermodel women. Each one had one or more asterixes embossed into their left thigh. One asterix meant basic intelligence; two meant an additional ability to reason and communicate through speech; three asterixes indicated a highly intelligent horse/model with the ability to administrate important functions.

I had this conversation with one of them:

Me:  "Got any asterixes?"
Her: "Yep."
Me:  "How many?"
Her: "Well, obviously, at least a couple."
Me:  "How many, where are they, and may I see them?"

So she lifted the hem of her gauzy nightgown to show me two small golden asterixes printed in the flesh of her leg. I was actually rather embarrassed. We ended up taking a couple with no asterixes at all, and headed out.