August 1988

At Disneyland, waiting in enormous lines. Kevin M, who I did college theatrical lighting with, was working the ticket booth. The heat from the sun was oppressive. A guy showed up to crash the line; he was wearing a mobile battle suit that sat up on his shoulders, with rockets and guns on it. I got so pissed that he cut in the line that I punched my hand through a window.

Then we went to see a double feature of Rocky Horror Picture Show and Aria. Punk music was blasting out of the theater. With me were my mom and my friend Jeff. There was a beautiful girl sitting to my left but I couldn't remember her name. So I wandered around the theater. The girl follows me; she's all horny or something and she wants to leave with me. So I left Jeff and my mom and went off with the girl.

There were also some fragments about gunfighting with skateboard punks, my house blowing up, and being buzzed by a low-flying helicopter.

Also, at one point I was king of the rodents but they revolted against me. The soundtrack was all Doors music.