actually, we're Jewish. Honest. No "Hannukah bush" or any of that crap
in our house. But Marc is a convert, and his family is *huge*. So
we usually go to Marc's parents' for Christmas.
This year, more of the extended family showed up for Christmas as well, as it was going to be the first chance to see The New Baby! Marc's mom had just gotten a digital camera for her birthday, so a lot of pictures were taken.
As you can see from the picture, we tend to get started a little early on Christmas. There was one year when Marc was working graveyard shift, when we unwrapped the presents when he got home at 7 am - and then went to bed and slept most of the day. Fun holiday times.
Anyway, sleep was a foreign concept with a month-old baby around. So much of Christmas Day was kind of a drowsy fog. Marc's friends Martin and Eddy showed up around 10 am, and were much pleased with the baby. Very amusing watching these two large guys (they're both well over 6 feet tall) cooing over a tiny baby. Wren didn't pay a lot of attention to them - they were mostly asleep. (Typical baby - up all night, sleep all day.)
The Wallaces, who live across the street, came over to see Wren as well. Their grandchildren were also present, and one of them wandered over along with his mother. He was not much impressed with the baby (five-year-olds rarely are, it seems.)
We had some downtime from about 1:30 to 3. Tired adults did their best to nap despite Wren's decision that now would be a good time to play! (Oh, what a helpful child.)
Around 3 relatives started arriving - Marc's grandparents Roger and Marian Reeve, his uncle George Buice and his wife Sydney, and his uncle Barney Buice and his wife Marilyn. Gifts were exchanged - Wren got a lot of cute little outfits, including a couple which they'll need to grow into as they're more toddler-sized than baby sized. (But the outfits are simply adorable.) Wren was passed around and everyone got a chance to hold them - though once again they were asleep and didn't notice all the attention they were getting.
After a huge dinner, it was time for Marc, Laura and Wren to go back
to Santa Cruz (Marc had to work Christmas night.) It had been a very exciting
day for our little one!
The following pictures were taken with an Olympus D-340R digital camera set on "High Quality" mode.