[joe-frank-list] 'Silent sea'

russellbell at gmail.com russellbell at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 12:49:34 PST 2022

	Joe checks for calls and e-mails from Kate (Joe never says the
word 'Kate' in this episode.  It's only clear from the context of the
preceding shows that it's her.) constantly, is disappointed and
relieved when there are none.  He imagines her with a younger,
smarter, better-looking, more-talented, more compatible man.  He
imagines spying on her to figure out whom.
	3:40: 'I have been wondering frequently of late...' -
T. S. Eliot reads from his poem 'Portrait of a lady'.
	4:40: Larry says that we are sometimes drawn to
self-destructive things, quotes Ionesco, 'I reject death.'
	5:10: Joe asks whether the one feature that distinguishes us
from primates is the opposable thumb.  Someone (David Rapkin?) answers
nonsensically in an unnatural voice.  Then he talks more nonsense
about an encounter with a highway patrolman.
	7:00: Debi, Dan, and Suzanne (Debi recounts Dan & Suzanne's
eventual marriage in 'The future') go to a Halloween party (not on
Halloween).  Debi and Suzanne go as Dan's 'vampiress angelic love
slaves' on leashes in skimpy, sexy, outfits.  Dan hands over Debi's
leash to a few different guys Debi likes.  She goes out for drinks
with an Italian guy.  They make out at 4 AM.
	15:20: 'And youth is cruel, and has no remorse...' -
T. S. Eliot reads more from his poem 'Portrait of a lady'.
	16:20: Joe imagines driving to Kate's church, joining her in
her pew, going away with her, traveling the world, forever, because
they can't figure out how to get along at home.
	19:20: Unnatural-voice says some self-contradictory things and
other nonsense.
	23:10: On Halloween they dress up the same as for the party,
watch the Greenwich Village parade.  Debi watches from a coffee shop
on 6th & 13th (I can't make out the name.)  A lot of men pay attention
to her.  Dan & Suzanne go home early.  She picks up a German guy (or
vice-versa) at a club.  They make out for an hour on the dance floor;
he was the best kisser she had ever met.
	29:00: 'I grow old... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers
rolled...' - T. S. Eliot reads from his poem 'The Love Song of
J. Alfred Prufrock'
	30:10: Larry talks about what he would do before he would kill
himself.  He imagines stealing a kayak and paddle and kayaking up the
Hudson.  He imagines living in a sailboat in a funky marina south of
San Pedro (Cabrillo beach?  Fish Harbor?  Only ocean is south of San
	35:40: 'O Light Invisible, we praise Thee!...' T. S. Eliot
reads from his poem 'The rock'.
	38:50: Debi and Joe talk.  She's applying lotion.  She belongs
to a big world peace organization.  They chant, which makes her more
peaceful in the world.  She describes their meetings.  She says that
she dealt with her diagnosis of breast cancer (which turned out to be
a mistake) better because she's chanted for 14 years.  Joe chaffs her
for thinking chanting makes her more powerful, cured her cancer.
	45:10: Larry recounts fantasies of taking the bus to a place
he's never heard of in Montana.  (He mentions a similar notion in 'The
nature of things'.)
	46:00: Joe says he sometimes wonders whether making a
different decision at one moment in time could change his whole life.
He imagines watching a movie of Kate's life, whether he would have
understood her better, that they could have a better relationship.
	48:20: 'And I have known the arms already, known them all--' -
T. S. Eliot reads from his poem 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'
	49:30: 'Because I do not hope to turn/Desiring this man's gift
and that man's scope...' - T. S. Eliot reads from his poem 'Ash
Wednesday' (Jack Kornfield quoted 'Ash Wednesday' in 'Karma, part 7')
	52:10: 'No more my lord...' (sung)

	From the broadcast, 'You've been listening to Joe Frank "The
other side".  This program was called "Silent sea" with Debi Mae West,
Larry Block, David Rapkin, and Joe Frank; poetry by T. S. Eliot;
production by J. C. Swiatek and Bob Carlson; music consultant: Thomas
Golubic; production assistance: Esme Gregson'

russell bell

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