[joe-frank-list] 'Endings'

russellbell at gmail.com russellbell at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 09:19:24 PST 2021

	'Endings' is all re-used, from 'Karma' parts 1, 4, 5, and 6.

	Joe tells of meeting a pretty young woman 'literally half my
age' 'a number of years ago'.  She has only a shower in her apartment,
misses taking baths.  Joe invites her over to use his 'large
luxurious' bathtub.  They talk the first time, then she sews the
buttons back onto his pajamas.  The next time Joe joins her in the tub
(!) and they make love.  She wants to have a more serious
relationship, Joe doesn't, citing the difference in ages.  Joe says,
'I pointed out that when I was 70, she'd barely be 40'.  Thus she must
have been 30, Joe 60, when they met, which was 1998-9, not 'a number
of years ago' before 2000.  He tries to get her to compare their
relationship to her having one with 15-year-old (half her age) boy.
She falls in love with him, he breaks it off.  She visits and calls,
desperate for him.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part 1')
	5:50: Larry tells of a love affair he had '22 years ago' when
he was '32, 33 years old' (He was born 1942 October 30) with Barbara,
a tall blonde woman from Washington (state) who worked as a waitress
where he worked as a bartender.  It lasted for '3, 4 weeks', ended
Larry did not know why.  Larry was distraught, told her that he had
given her his 'love feather' (allegedly an image borrowed from Native
Americans - I find no evidence of this), didn't know if he had
another.  She married soon afterwards, later divorced, teaches acting
at Rutgers and has 2 grown daughters.  That was the last time he
really fell in love.
	'After her, I did one of those "Albert Camus" things when the
first woman who came along and said "Let's be boyfriend-girlfriend" I
said, "Okay".  And that's kind of the way it was with my wife.  I
didn't care, I had no will.  I felt by the time I was 35 that I had
failed in my life.  Of course now it's 22 years later'.  (Larry was 35
in 1977-8; 22 years later is 1999-2000.) (originally aired in 'Karma
Part 1')
	12:00: Larry Block tells of the woman moving into a nearby
apartment.  She's an attractive older woman from California, an
actress.  They hang, ride bikes around town, eventually have an
affair.  Larry talks to a friend about the friend's affair, mentions
his; his daughter Zoe overhears it, tells Jolly, who decides Larry has
to move out.  Larry has a job in California.  The time away cools out
their anger; they allow Larry back into the home.  Larry and Jolly
move into the alcove in the living room (just big enough for a bed and
a few little dressers), Zach into the master bedroom.  (originally
aired in 'Karma Part 4')
	23:10: Joe talks about relationships and the painful memories
that persist after they end.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part 5')
	25:00: Joe imagines Kate's future lovers, first a wealthy
older Hollywood type, 'Felix Handelsman', who names his yacht after
her.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part 5')
	28:00: Joe is tormented by grief at the thought of her, but
doesn't answer her calls or e-mails: he's cut himself off completely
from her but is obsessed with her.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part
	29:20: Joe imagines Kate's next lover is a brilliant young
screen-writer, winner of the biggest advance ever for his first
script, a man so thoughtful and widely-read Kate can learn a lot from
him; compared to him, Joe is a 'retarded schoolboy'.  (originally
aired in 'Karma Part 5')
	30:50: Joe imagines Kate's next lover is a champion
triathlete, next to whom Joe is a 'failed physical
specimen'. (originally aired in 'Karma Part 5')
	33:50: Larry says he thinks he'll never experience real love
again.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part 1')
	36:10: Kristine McKenna talks about bad relationships,
mentions one of hers.  She draws a parallel between romantic love and
extreme performance art.  She tells of Chris Burden, the performance
artist who had himself shot, crucified on a Volkswagen, sealed in a
box for 3 days (true! - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Burden )
then the Viennese Actionists
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viennese_actionists), one of whom cut
off slices of his penis.  (These are unpleasant to read about.)
(originally aired in 'Karma Part 6')
	39:20: Jack Kornfield tells of a woman whose husband had died.
They were involved in the spiritual community.  3 friends told her
different stories about what had happened to him - they had seen him.
The stories disagreed, so she asked Kornfield to sort it out.  He told
her to focus on what she knew.  He quoted Suzuki Roshi's single
comment that embodied Zen: 'Not always so.'  He tells us that we
should focus on what we know.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part 6')
	46:50: Larry Block tells of a relationship with a woman 25
years ago, when he was one of the Dromios in 'Comedy of errors' in
Shakespeare in the park. (1975).  He had a brief passionate
relationship with a woman, was distraught that it ended.  It seems to
be a different woman than the similar relationship in the same year he
described in 'Karma part 1'.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part 6')
	54:50: Kornfield leads a meditation, asking how our heart
responds to different circumstances.  (originally aired in 'Karma Part
	58:10: Joe talks about love, that pop songs are about love,
never about business affairs or unpleasant family matters.
(originally aired in 'Karma Part 6')


russell bell

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