[joe-frank-list] 'Karma, part 5'

russellbell at gmail.com russellbell at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 07:18:07 PST 2021

	0:30: Kristine McKenna talks about people she thought she
couldn't live without in the past but can now, while there are people
she hasn't gotten over.  She talks about 'really being in love', how
powerful it is, how her romances have fared.
	6:30: Joe imagines Kate's future lovers, first a wealthy older
Hollywood type, 'Felix Handelsman', who names his yacht after her.
	9:30: Joe is tormented by grief at the thought of her, but
doesn't answer her calls or e-mails: he's cut himself off completely
from her but is obsessed with her.
	10:50: Joe imagines Kate's next lover is a brilliant young
screen-writer, winner of the biggest advance ever for his first
script, a man so thoughtful and widely-read Kate can learn a lot from
him; compared to him, Joe is a 'retarded schoolboy'.
	12:20: Joe imagines Kate's next lover is a champion
triathlete, next to whom Joe is a 'failed physical specimen'.
	15:20: Kristine offers her opinion of Joe's relationship with
Kate, whom she hasn't met.
	18:00: Kate keeps on e-mailing and calling (Joe must have
started reading and listening to them.)  She's worried about him,
imagines terrible things happening to him.  She sold her TV show, will
get $40K each for 13 episodes.
	21:30: Jack Kornfield quotes some of 1 Corinthians 13:1-9
('Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not
charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal....') to
introduce a talk about loving-kindness, how much better our lives will
go if we practice it.  He mentions Matthew Fox's theory of
'allurement'.  (Fox was a curious fellow, a priest the Roman Catholic
church kicked out, switched to the Episcopal church, did a lot of
new-agey things https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Fox_(priest) )
	26:40: Joe tells of his gay cousin who moved to California to
charm 2 wealthy older women, inherit their money.  (Joe's uncle Ben
had only daughters, but his aunt Sonia Spiegel (neé Batschewa Passweg,
Joe's mother's older sister) had a son, Michael, born in 1935.  He
ended up in Oregon.  I don't know that Joe's story is about him or
even true.)  This introduces the story of his mother's hairdresser
(Bruce) to whom she pays a lot of attention, goes to a Mother's Day
dinner with.  Joe imagines this fellow hoping to displace Joe as her
	31:30: Joe imagines Bruce and his mother at a cafe in Mallorca
at a table next to Kate and Felix Handelsman; they become friends.
	34:40: Kornfield tells how difficult it is to see sick
children.  He tells of a horribly-burnt child, barely recognizable as
human.  He's stuck for words.  He tells of Mother Theresa asking the
prisoners at San Quention to pray for her.  He tells the story of
Ishi, the last member of the Yahi tribe (California)
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishi).  He says that love is all that
	40:20: Kristine says that we want love, tells of her romance
with a man she describes as 'major wreckage', a man with both a wife
and a girlfriend.  She knew this guy's faults, had read an article
about him in a magazine years before.  He had a brain aneurysm, flew
to Houston (where he lived), went to the hospital, got into bed with
him.  Before that he duplicated Edward Weston's photographs with his
wife in Death Valley with Kristine (nude).  Kristine says that she got
into the relationship with him because she wanted to escape her life.
She says she experienced incredible happiness with him.
	48:20: Joe tells stories from Kate's childhood in Wales.  When
she was 8 or 9 she attended a dance school, which required a 2-hour
bus trip.  Her father would withhold the bus fare until the last
minute, then throw it on the floor.  Once a man on the bus ejaculated
in her face.
	50:40: Joe talks about relationships and the painful memories
that persist after they end.
	52:20: Joe nearly faints while driving on San Vincente (a nice
street on the north edge of Santa Monica).  When he gets home, Kate's
left a message (from Rome, working on a show) on his machine: she
wants him to call her machine to leave her a message just so she can
hear her voice.  Joe wonders what will happen next.
	54:00: Kornfield leads a loving-kindness meditation.  (backed
by Rinocerose's '323 Secondes De Musique Repetitive', music I find at
odds with the mood of the meditation.)


russell bell

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