[joe-frank-list] Joe- started an industry?

Harold Johnson harold.johnson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 23:05:21 PST 2005

I am completely in accordance with what you're saying, and many
artists have, in fact, acknowledged Joe Frank's influence, I wish
they'd do it more often.  There's an audio recording you can listen to
at JoeFrank.com which includes both David Sedaris and Ira Glass
detailing their admiration for Joe's work; it's currently at the
following location, on the left of the page:


Scroll down the page to find the link.  You can also find the same
audio on the following page, but you'll have to scroll down farther:


Harold J. Johnson

On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 01:30:22 EST, BILLMILOSZ at aol.com <BILLMILOSZ at aol.com> wrote:
> I just heard a radio program called "Theory of Everything" - a docutainment
> magazine format, interviews and discussion of a certain topic.  But the
> production style had the looped music, not quite as dark as Joe's, but
> definitely that same production technique pioneered by Joe of the looped
> music with a certain "feel" forming an audio counterpoint to the spoken
> part.  This is something Ira Glass picked up when he interned with Joe Frank
> and then built into the very popular PRI /Public Radio offering "This
> American Life"  and now this same technique is being used in "Theory of
> Everything"- a loop that sets the mood and which swells up for emphasis when
> there is a pause in the story.
>  And while this audio production archetype is now so pervasive that it might
> seem like it occurred "naturally" or is an "obvious method"- the truth is
> this is something Joe developed, ha ha, hope he can collect roylaties from
> these Johnny-come-latelies. Or maybe the Third Coast people were
> acknowledging this when they gave Joe that Lifetime Achievement award.  (I
> hope that there was a check that came along with that award, but I bet there
> wasn't. Most people in Public Radio are starving.  The average production
> drudge in an NPR affiliate making documentaries gets paid minimum wage -or
> less, if the station can get away with paying by the piece rather than
> hiring staff by the hour.)
>  Actually, I WOULD like to hear Ira Glass acknowledge his debt to Joe. Glass
> tried a lot of different formulas on the radio - including a self indulgent
> program called The Wild Room which seemingly had no actual content- before
> he scored with This American Life, a program which is COMPLETELY beholden to
> Joe for it's "look and feel". Ira has even been known to use some of the
> exact same music to loop as Joe....
>  Don't get me wrong, I like This American Life, I've heard some interesting
> stuff.  I also liked what I heard so far of Benjamin Walker's "Theory of
> Everything" (except the announcer's stop-and-start vocal pacing which also
> has kind of breathy whine in it-  very annoying) but these guys owe A LOT to
> Joe and they should acknowledge it.  
>  Yeah, right- as if some artists is EVER going to acknowledge that their
> work isn't only about them and their own incredible genius..... 
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