[Darkwood-SCA] Darkwood Dance Practice - 1st Thrusday/Gilroy

The MOMstable the_momstable at rocketmail.com
Sun Jul 3 23:13:27 PDT 2005

As a service to those who may be interested in dance:

This is your reminder for Darkwood Dance, 1st Thursday
of the month, July 7th.

This is a beginning level dance practice. No previous
experience is necessary. The featured dances for
July will be: TBD. We will be doing mainly these
dances at each practice for the ensuing two months or
until there is sufficient proficiency.

Practice starts at 7:30 pm and runs to approximately
9:00 pm. We then break for root beer floats and

We suggest street clothes, rather than garb, for
practice. Because of the warmer weather, practice will be outside in
the yard.

If you have any questions or if you would like to be
added to the Darkwood Dance List in yahoo groups,
please contact:

Dance Master - Vyncent atte Wodegate (408) 250-5563
torlanswingmeister at yahoo.com
Practice/Dance Group contact - Na'arah bat Avraham
(408) 848-5748 the_momstable at rocketmail.com


>From 101 in Gilroy, take Leavesley Road (Hwy 152) west. Leavesley
Welburn past Monterey road. Stay on Welburn. Make a right on Wren Ave
(firehouse). The 5th street on the left is Maria Way. Jonathon &
house is the third one on the left.

If you get lost, their home phone number is 408-846-4661

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